How to Maintain a Swimming Pool

Having a swimming pool in your property is a pretty good deal during hot summer days. Be like most good things; pools require attention to keep it clean and maintenance. Swimming Pool maintenance can seem like a hard task, but it is quite simple. Once you know how to clean, you will able to maintain your pool in a short time. Here are the few tips for keeping your swimming pool clean: v Check pool chemistry : Pool chemistry sounds very difficult and intimidating, but no worry about it. While it is an integral part of pool maintenance in El Paso, Texas and care, pool chemistry is surprisingly straight forward. You should check your swimming pool chemistry once twice in a week in summer and every week in winter. The pH should be kept between 7.2 and 7.8, lower the pH less chlorine your pool will need. v Clean Swimming pools filters : - The job of filtration is to remove any undissolved dirt and junk from the swimming pool water through the backwashing pro...